How much does professional editing / editors cost?

The cost for professional editing services

Editing rates are calculated per word.

Online editing costs can vary from unrealistically cheap to bafflingly expensive. So shop with care!

The cost at is just pennies per word! The service is professional while the price is highly competitive.

Cost Disseration Editing Prices Rates

 Get Your FIRM price quote here!


How much will your editing project cost?

You may calculate the disseration editing cost based on price per page. or price per word


Compare Editing Rates and Fees

Never contract an editor without the following:

Editing sample

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Editing Outline

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When comparing editors and their editing costs / rates, the price of editing should be FIRM.

Calculate your editing cost and get a FIRM price quote here!



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Don’t risk your valuable time and money with unknown freelance editors.

Freelancers miss deadlines, ignore emails, avoid phone calls, and request more money.

Our prices are firm; our services are guaranteed; and our deadlines are ALWAYS achieved!

To keep down your cost for disseration editing, always hire a professional editor.


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