About Our Editing Company
Global Editing Company
Professional-Editing-Services.com is a professional ONLINE international editing corporation with a successful history of online writing services serving more than TEN THOUSAND authors since 1998.
We are incorporated in both the USA and Europe. Our native English-speaking editors serve all time zones worldwide. We are available 24 hours/day!
Specialized divisions
We have a number of divisions within the Professional Editing Services Group, that is offering editing services in different areas. We are editing documents from authors, scientists and businesses, with a fantastic result. Our editors are experts within the different areas.
Book-Editing-Services.com Novel-Editing-Services.com Fiction-Editing-Services.com Copy-Editing-Services .com Business-Editing-Services.com |
Dissertation-Editing-Services.com Thesis-Editing-Services.com Paper-Editing-Services.com Academic-Editing-Services.com Technical-Editing-Services.com |
Professional Editors from US, UK, Australia, Canada....
You receive professional editing services with Professional-Editing-Services.com. When you submit your writing, it is assigned to one of our professional editors who is pre-qualified and experienced in that type of writing style / genre.
10 Years Experience, or More....
Our editors are full-time professionals with a minimum of 10 years experience in editing, proofreading, writing, critiquing, publishing, etc.
Try BEFORE You Buy! Get a FREE editing sample of YOUR writing.
ONLY Native English Editors
We do NOT outsource to the Philippines, India or other areas of the world where English is simply a complementary “mother” language.
Our editors are born native speakers of English and have achieved all their education and training in the first language of English.
Our editors are originally from the US, Canada, England, New Zealand or Australia.
Call Us 24 / 7
USA / Canada:
+1 (646)-201-9349
United Kingdom:
+44 (0) 190 254 4747
+61 26 140 3372
New Zealand:
+64 4280 7467
Tollfree: 1-888-631-7120
FAX: 1-866-447-1384
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