What is freelance editing?

How does freelance editing work?

Freelance editors are individuals who provide editing by independently contracting their labor to an individual client.

Quite often freelance editors are part-time individuals seeking full-time employment as an editor. This is quite dependent upon the market, their advertising abilities, editing skills and luck.

Freelance editing fees are generally calculated quite high to cover the “down times” frequently experienced as a contractor.

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At Professional-Editing-Services.com you receive professional editing services backed by a corporate Satisfaction Guarantee.

Furthermore, you have an army of editors and editing consultants available to you via phone or email 24 hours a day / 7 days a week.

Thus, you never miss a deadline, never pay too much and never worry about any mistakes.

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How to Compare Freelance Editing Services 

When comparing freelance editors, their work history and accessibility needs to be impeccable. Never contract a freelance editor without the following:

Editing sample

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