How long does your professional editing service take?
Can you meet MY editing deadlines?
We deliver according to your editorial needs
Absolutely! Simply let us know what your editing needs are and how fast you require your document.
We will give you an honest and accurate answer to all your editing questions with a guaranteed delivery deadline.
Standard editing services delivery time is calculated based upon the size (total number of words or total pages) and the document type of your writing.
If you have specific questions, click here!
Rush / Express Editing Delivery Services
Rush delivery services are available and will be outlined in your on-screen price quote.
To get your FIRM editing price quote, click here!
Free Editing Sample of YOUR Writing
You need fast answers so you can make your decision now.
Therefore, we offer a FREE editing sample of your writing within 24 hours! (BUt usually it is delivered within a couple of hours!)
Satisfaction Guaranteed
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+1 (646)-201-9349
United Kingdom:
+44 (0) 190 254 4747
+61 26 140 3372
New Zealand:
+64 4280 7467
Tollfree: 1-888-631-7120
FAX: 1-866-447-1384
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